Anyone who has been using Windows 8 would have known if the start - menu display can be changed in accordance background color options. But if you already Activated Windows 8 , Windows 8 if you have not Activated try clicking here . Okay , go , now for the Windows 8 was already active can freely change the background desired . Eitz , but as free ga think you know. Because the background that can be replaced at specified Windowsnya because as I previously samapikan , which Windows attempted to adjust the color of the background . but what if we want to use our own sebgai background image in windows 8 start menu ? Is it possible? CAN Jawabnnya is moved at a tool called the Windows 8 Start Screen Customizer
For how to use , install its first tool continues to run , then click on the LOAD IMAGE . Choose the photos you want to use as the start screen background . If you have click aply and SAVE .
and try to check your Windows 8 start screen , already change right? If not try restarting your computer and repeat the steps. Okay , hopefully bermanfaar and do not forget to like it guys . Who want to download this tool , please click here
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