Here I will try to review a little unboxing of the A4Tech XL-747H
Completeness Mouse, among others:
- Mouse
- CD-Drivers Oscar Editor
- A short Manual
Body Mouse in my hand grips the Solid impressed with Spider image, this mouse too often I have heard termed by the name of Mouse Spider. This mouse is also claimed to use the Gold Plate on its USB end to minimize transfer delay compared to the use of copper or aluminum.
Mouse cables seem stiff, yet sturdy and not easily broken.
NEXT: Mouse Installation.
The first stage, plug the mouse to the CPU. In Windows 7, the mouse will auto-install the default drivers. After that the mouse was able to be used like a mouse in general. But the problem here is that so "How to upload Custom Macro buttons?"
OK, the next step is Oscar Editor Software Installation.
Insert the driver CD in the CD-ROM Computer mouse inbred.
Then the display will show the drivers that will be installed, select the appropriate driver with the mouse is used, in this case A4Tech XL-747H
Click Next to complete the prosess Intallasi Software
After prosess Intallasi Software is complete, run the Anti-Vibrate Oscar Editor who is on the Desktop. Below the display interface software.
Mouse has been installed along with Oscar editor. Next is how to set a macro button? Consider again the above spoiler image on the display interface oscar editor, there has been plastered all buttons can be customed. In this review, I try to be custom button "7" on the mouse, which is a small button that is between the left and right-button mouse click. stages:
Click on the button you want dicustom, in this case my custom buttons 7, it will display a line of custom functions to buttons. Select the bottom is the Macro Manager.
After all the settings have been removed and the empty column editor , select the RECORD menu at the top of the editor , a notification will appear on the Start Record F11 and F12 to Stop Record .
In this section , I am going to a custom macro button " 7 " for setting Quick Weapon Change , commonly used to play the game Point Blank on fashion Shotgun and Sniper / AWP . And so, when the record mode is executed by pressing F11 to record , then press the Left Mouse Click , off , press the 3 key on the keyboard , off , last press the 1 key on the keyboard , remove and press the F12 key to end the record .Maybe for maniac Point Blank will display the question " Why not use Left Click ( shoot ) - Q - Q only for Quick Change Weapon .. ? Why Left Click -3 -1 .. ? " This is because the mode Left Click - > 3 - > 1 would be more advantageous in that when we are inadvertently using any weapon ( Melee , grenades , etc. ) then simply press the macro button 1x automatic player will be back in a position to carry weapons main .Further gan ..Once the key combination recorded / record , it will appear in the column editor every combination before, ranging from the movement of the mouse , and the buttons are pressed . In this section , delete unnecessary records by clicking on the item record and pressing the delete key on the keyboard . REMEMBER , do not press the button in this mode carelessly / column will be recorded by the record because the record column has been discontinued although the record function ( F12 ) .

Continue to adjust the spacing or timing pauses between each record to fill in the left column as shown, then enter / paste the record column by clicking the plug-in menu, and delete existing timings. Setting the timing should not be too short, because the timing is too short often cause no guns firing bullets, or a combination Shoot-Quick Change will not run perfectly.
After setting the timing is complete, proceed with saving mouse settings.
Give the name of the corresponding function settings
Once saved, close the Macro Editor program, then we will return to the main menu Oscar Interface Editor. The most crucial and many times it happens is the user forgot to import the settings into the Macro Memory Mouse. Already tired of editing the settings, but his Mouse Macro not like the way the program! Therefore do not forget to click the Download To Mouse to import the settings into the memory of the mouse. After the import is complete setting, the mouse can be used on any computer, home, cafe, office, and so forth. The settings remain stored in the mouse because the mouse has an internal memory alias innate memory stored on his mouse!
THUS, the Macros button Setting finished number 7.
Other buttons can be customed in the same way.
The custom is up to how and on what the game as needed.
In other mice, for example A4Tech XL-755BK, settingannya SAME technique, because I actually use 755BK because more macronya button, other buttons can be customed for example for radio communication when playing games.
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